
Opening Ceremony

The opening ceremony of the 5th Fünf-Seen-Filmfestival 2011 will be held on

Wednesday, 27. July 2011, 7.30pm
Schlossberghalle Starnberg, Vogelanger 2, 82319 Starnberg

Reception with drinks

Presentation about the 5th Fünf-Seen-Filmfestival
Introduction of all competing films
Members of the jury will be introduced
Greetings from the honorary guests

Opening Film:
SOMMERVÖGEL, CH 2011, Director: Paul Riniker

Hannelore Elsner

30th of July, 7.30pm at the Schlossberghalle in Starnberg:
Honored guest, Hannelore Elsner, will be present;
There will be a conversation with Hannelore Elsner and the festival director, Matthias Helwig. Hannelore Elsner’s incredible work will be recognized in a retrospective of her films. Movies, which will be shown at the festival, honoring Hannelore Elsner, are from the directors Edgar Reitz (“Die Reise nach Wien”), Bernhard Sinkel, Alf Brustellin (“Berlinger”), Oscar Roehler (“Die Unberührbare”), Rudolf Thome (“Frau fährt, Manns schläft”), Dani Levy (“Alles auf Zucker”), Doris Dörrie (“Hanami - Kirschblüten”) and Hans Steinbichler (“Das Blaue vom Himmel”).

After the conversation the film “Alles auf Zucker” starring Hannelore Elsner will be shown (Director: Dani Levy, with Henny Hübchen).
Tickets are 12,- Euro

Sunday 31st of July, 3pm
Open conversation panel with Hannelore Elsner and director Edgar Reitz after their movie screening “Die Reise nach Wien” for the audience.

Sunday 31st of July, 5pm
Open conversation panel with Hannelore Elsner and director Bernhard Sinkel after their movie screening “Berlinger” for the audience.