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Ifigeneia: No More Tears (2019)

Ifigeneia is visiting for the first time her future husband's family home, being invited for lunch. Instead of dessert, she brings along a little girl and she makes an impression on family and friends. But with the sudden appearance of two intolerance auditors things get complicated.

ifigeneia: ochi pia dakria

GR 2019, 17 Min., FSK ab 12 Jahren, OmU
George Georgakopoulos
George Georgakopoulos
Sofia Sasli, Lydia Mouftoglou, Timos Papadopoulos
Vaggelis Kasapakis

George Georgakopoluos was born in Athens in 1975. He studied civil engineering and now studies in film school in Thessaloniki. He has participated in a large amount of film and stage productions.
ifigeneia: ochi pia dakria

GR 2019, 17 Min., FSK ab 12 Jahren, OmU
George Georgakopoulos
George Georgakopoulos
Sofia Sasli, Lydia Mouftoglou, Timos Papadopoulos
Büro- und Lieferadresse: Kino Breitwand - Matthias Helwig - Bahnhofplatz 2 - 82131 Gauting - Tel.: 089/89501000 - info@breitwand.com - Umsatzsteuer ID: DE131314592
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Kino Breitwand Gauting
Bahnhofplatz 2
82131 Gauting
Tel.: 089/89501000

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Wittelsbacherstraße 10
82319 Starnberg
Tel.: 08151/971800

Kino Breitwand Seefeld
Schlosshof 7
82229 Seefeld
Tel.: 08152/981898