Black Water Green Gold

"Black Water Green Gold" is a feature length documentary about an indigenous community fighting to save Lake Patzcuaro in Central Mexico. Their traditional lifestyle is threatened by the effects of globalized economy and climate change.

The film follows the story of three individuals living around Lake Pátzcuaro. Carlos, Santiago and Tona.

In the course of the movie the protagonists share their views on the situation at the lake. Their voices narrate the crisis that they and their communities are experiencing; the decline in water levels, ongoing wildfires and the insecurity haunting the region. The communities are connected by their Purépecha - heritage, the name of the indigenous group and language originating around the lake.

Carlos represents the economic reality and youth of the community, balancing his love for his traditional way of life as a fisherman with his responsibilities to provide for his young family. Santiago represents the fight for independence and ecology, as he fights for the autonomy of his community and the protection of the lake. Tona embodies the cultural traditions of the lake, around the "Day of the Dead".

On a higher level the documentary shows an emotional and personal perspective of what it means to live in a region that has to sacrifice its environment to provide goods to the globalized market. The weight of the desperate situation however doesn’t stop the community from fighting for their lake, traditions and future.

Kino Breitwand Gauting

SO 08.09.MO 09.09.
17:00  OmU
20:00  OmU
Black Water Green Gold

DE 2023, 83 Min., FSK ab 12 Jahren, OmU
Axel Javier Sulzbacher
Axel Javier Sulzbacher
Axel Javier Sulzbacher
2024 Black Water Green Gold

Axel is a passionate and dedicated documentary film director from Germany with deep roots in Mexican culture. With a background in photojournalism, Axel has spent years traveling the world, capturing the living realities of diverse cultures through his lens. He is a proponent of slow journalism, taking the time to truly understand and connect with his subjects, often forming deep friendships with them in the process. Axel has a strong sense of justice and a desire to give a voice to underrepresented and indigenous communities. As a photographer he has worked for various news magazines, covering stories in countries such as Pakistan, Morocco, Mexico, and throughout Europe. Through his work, Axel believes that he can make a positive impact on the world, even if it's just in a small way.
Black Water Green Gold

DE 2023, 83 Min., FSK ab 12 Jahren, OmU
Axel Javier Sulzbacher
Axel Javier Sulzbacher
Büro- und Lieferadresse: Kino Breitwand - Matthias Helwig - Bahnhofplatz 2 - 82131 Gauting - Tel.: 089/89501000 - - Umsatzsteuer ID: DE131314592
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82131 Gauting
Tel.: 089/89501000

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82319 Starnberg
Tel.: 08151/971800

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82229 Seefeld
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